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Ghost Planets • A World of Adventure for Fate Core Pay What You Want
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions, LLC
by Justin E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/01/2016 15:29:45

Ghost Planets is all about exporation and provides some great mechanics to back this up. Adventures are designed around investigating the ruins of ancient civilizations and trying to solve they mysteries they left behind. You do this by surveying the environment and looking for things the civilization left behind. Here's the cool part: many of the things left behind can be Researched and depending on your success or failure, you can make Discoveries that give you advantages or new information -- or you can have a Mishap which adds complication to the adventure. Mishaps are made more interesting because the type of mishap is related to your character's role. And, of course, this is all going on in parallel to any environmental challenges the characters may be facing. Good stuff!

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Ghost Planets • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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